Tag Archives: Protecting Your Dyed Hair

Quick Tips For Protecting Your Dyed Hair


Countless women have a habit of coloring their hair but many are ill-informed as to the proper maintenance strategies after the procedure. One doesn’t need any fancy products to protect dyed hair. Simply understanding how shampoos, conditioners, and coloring chemicals can go a long way. Knowing when and how to use them will help individuals get the best results.

On Using Shampoo

The chemicals need time to set in. Hair should not be washed for at least two days after coloring to ensure longevity. Going a bit longer would be even better. People can make a ponytail or use a cap to prevent getting their head wet while taking a shower. After this period, they can use shampoo but only sparingly. Shampoo can remove the dye molecules so it should not be applied to hair more than every other day. Stay away from the more potent clarifying shampoos as they can strip hair color more quickly than the regular kind.

On Keeping Hair Beautiful

Use a moisturizing conditioner more often to keep the hair strands smooth and silky. Conditioner should definitely be applied after using shampoo to prevent strands from drying out. Other hair-care products can be utilized as well including leave-on and hot oil treatments. These can be readily applied at home whenever it’s convenient. Like every single element in the body, healthy hair depends partly on eating a healthy diet. Eat nutritious meals rich in iron, protein, biotin, and Vitamin C.

On What to Avoid

Heat tends to damage hair so avoid staying out in the sun whenever possible. Don’t use straightening irons, blow dryers, and similar tools unless they are absolutely necessary. Apply a heat-protection product to minimize damage and keep things at the lowest setting. Just let a clean towel absorb most of the moisture after taking a bath then allow the hair to dry off naturally. Chlorine in swimming pools doesn’t agree with color-treated hair. Use a leave-on conditioner and put on a swimming cap to avoid chlorine build-up.

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Filed under Beauty, Hair Care