Tag Archives: foot health

Tips For Treating Dry Feet


Heel fissures is a term used to refer to cracked feet. This is a condition that affects people of all ages and occurs when there is lack of moisture on the soles and other parts of the foot. Some of the most common causes of cracked feet include; wearing improper foot wear, being overweight, excessive exposure to water, cold weather and standing for extended periods of time among others. Other conditions such as diabetes, thyroid diseases, psoriasis and eczema may also cause heel fissures. Here are some effective tips for dry feet.


Scrubbing away the dead skin on your cracked feet is one of the most effective ways of treating this condition. All you need to do is soak your feet in warm water for about 20 minutes and the use liquid soap and a pumice stone to scrub away the loose skin. Use clean water to rinse your feet and dry your feet with a towel. Once your feet are dry, apply moisturizer or foot cream and then put on cotton socks. You can repeat these steps until the problem goes away.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is another effective remedy for cracked feet. First you’ll need to soak your feet in warm water for a couple of minutes and then scrub gently using a loofah. Allow your feet to dry or use a towel to thoroughly dry the water and then apply coconut oil. Put on some clean cotton socks overnight and then wash your feet the next morning. Repeat this process for a couple of days until your feet get better.

Mentholated Rub

To use mentholated rub for cracked feet, you’ll first need to wash your feet and dry them well and then apply the oil before going to sleep at night. Wear some clean socks and wash your feet with warm water the following morning. You can repeat this step until the heel fissures go away.


Glycerin has both humectants and moisturizing properties which makes it perfect for cracked feet. Mix equal portions of lemon juice and glycerin and apply the content generously on your feet. Allow it to sit for about 20 minutes and then wash it off with clean water. Following this remedy for a couple of days will clear your cracked feet.

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